Market & Customer

  • How satisfied are my customers?
  • Which factors influence satisfaction?
  • And how do they affect each other? What does the customer journey look like and which brand touchpoints exist on the way to a purchase decision?
  • How can the perception of the customer relationship be improved and the willingness to recommend be increased?

In order for your company to be perceived as attractive by all stakeholders and for a high level of customer loyalty to exist, a consistent strengthening of the brand experience is necessary.

We work with you to develop a tailor-made customer relationship strategy that identifies the key drivers of good customer relationships and gives you a clear knowledge advantage.

  • CX studies

    CX studies

    In order to optimize the Customer Experience (CX) as the sum of the customer's experiences and interactions with a company, targeted measures must be implemented to improve the customer journey and thus customer satisfaction. Together with you, we determine the customer feedback at different touchpoints and develop strategies how customer satisfaction and CX management can become a real competitive advantage for you and your company.

  • Customer Journeys

    Customer Journeys

    Today's customers come into contact with a variety of touchpoints when they interact with businesses. Against the background of digitalization, the customer journey is increasingly becoming a differentiation criteria for companies. With our holistic analysis of the customer journey, we not only identify central and particularly effective touch points, but also uncover optimization possibilities at hidden touch points and develop measures to develop a customer journey that sets you apart from the competition.

  • Mystery Research

    Mystery Research

    Mystery Calling serves the quality assurance in the service area, both regarding service and consultation as well as the presence. We carry out test calls for you with clearly defined scenarios that are individually tailored to your company and thus check compliance with common quality aspects: Accessibility, waiting time, professional and social competence, etc. On the basis of the results from the test protocols and available benchmarks, we develop targeted measures for consulting, service and process optimisation.

  • Product clinics

    Product clinics

    Only with a systematic evaluation by the future users does it become clear whether all aspects of usability and user experience for prototypes of products and services are optimally designed during development. Product clinics are ideally carried out in the early stages of development and are decisive in determining the direction of further development. They extend to work areas, room solutions (e.g. seats, special solutions) or user understanding (e.g. hygiene, wound care) as well as product variations (e.g. handles, surfaces, design aspects). In addition to many details for optimization, the aspects that are central to later market success are also revealed.

  • Employee feedback

    Employee feedback

    Employee surveys are a central instrument for controlling the success of management tasks in your stakeholder groups. We coordinate all relevant requirements in advance, consider your individual questions and action goals and support you in the identification, execution and communication of measures. In this way, we ensure that the measures derived from your employee survey exert the maximum positive influence on the motivation of your employees and the economic well-being of your company.

  • Competitive analyses

    Competitive analyses

    How do competing companies act in the market? Competitor analyses not only provide insights into competitors' strategies, but also reveal the potential of your own company. They represent a decisive basis for the strategic orientation of your company. Together with you, we identify the positions of the most important competitors, analyze them in depth, uncover the actual profile of your company from the customer's perspective and develop measures that position your company exactly where it should be.

Why rc - research & consulting GmbH?


rc integrates itself into your projects in a spirit of partnership - reliable, committed and value creating

Moving Insights

rc masters duty and choice of Insights projects - decisive for exploiting potentials

Agility and Flexibility

rc acts appropriately, flexibly and with foresight - ideal for agile companies

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